From November 21-22, 2024, the EtD-FaM project convened its 4th General Meeting in Samara, Afar, Ethiopia, bringing together project partners and project external evaluator for productive discussions.
The first day meeting kicked off in the afternoon, with presentations by work package leaders reviewing the “To-Do” lists from the 3rd General Meeting. Each report was followed by engaging discussions to ensure clarity and alignment.

The second day discussions continued, culminating in the development and assignment of action items for the 5th General Meeting. These deliverables reflect our collective commitment to driving progress across all work packages.
This event showcased the spirit of collaboration and our shared vision for achieving the project’s objectives. As the meeting officially concluded, attendees left with a clear roadmap for the months ahead.

ProjectManagement #Collaboration #EtD_FaM #AfarEthiopia

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